Towards renewable sources For a Better Future

MULINO VASUSA stands in favor of renewables with LifeGate Energy

VALSUSA MILL adds its name to that of the numerous companies that have joined the battle for renewable sources promoted by LifeGate Energy .

From today, the company network is powered exclusively by sustainable electricity: 100% from renewable sources (sun, wind and water), 100% Italian and certified, with residual CO 2 emissions offset with the Zero Impact® project.

The electricity consumption of MULINO VALSUSA , consequently, are no longer a burden on the environment.

With LifeGate, MULINO VALSUSA has an active role as an agent of change in the most important environmental challenge of our era : the energy transition from fossil fuels towards renewables. According to the sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities are responsible for around 1.1 degrees of warming so far since the beginning of the twentieth century. . For contain greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential that the share coming from renewable sources increases more and more. But the decarbonization process can only happen if everyone - private individuals, companies and institutions - does their part.

The membership of MULINO VALSUSA is a simple gesture, but capable of producing immediate changes, which will become more significant as others join this battle, giving substance to a now widespread and growing environmental sensitivity. The data from the 8th National Observatory on Sustainable Lifestyle - created by LifeGate in collaboration with Eumetra Monterosa - demonstrate that 73% of Italians (equal to 36.5 million people) are involved in sustainability . Not only. At the top of the list of priorities are investments in clean energy sources : almost one in two Italians remains convinced of the need to accelerate renewable energy to become energy independent.

The choice of VALSUSA MILL therefore wants to suggest to people who are attentive to the environment and looking for sustainable gestures a highly effective virtuous action: choosing clean energy for your home, in fact, means saving 1,380 kg of CO 2 in a year, and therefore it is of great the most important and effective environmental action is long.