Cookie Policy


Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data (hereinafter "Regulation or GDPR"), Mulino Valsusa Srl, as Data Controller of personal data, informs you that the site you are browsing uses so-called "cookies" and similar technologies in order to allow better functioning of its Websites (including the mobile version) and its Apps and in order to recognize you by other users. Cookies and similar technologies can perform functions and personalize content. Please read this information to provide you with all information relating to the use of these technologies.


Cookies are short strings of text automatically downloaded to your browser or device, with your consent (where necessary), when you browse our main and mobile websites or when you use our Apps. This allows us, to each subsequent visit, to keep track of the user's browsing choices and thus offer an efficient and targeted experience.

Some cookies collect information aimed at maintaining the security of the Site; others provide information to help us improve its performance; still others can customize the contents. Each cookie performs a specific action and based on the function and purpose of use they can be divided into technical cookies, aggregate analysis cookies, profiling cookies.

By browsing this site, you can install both "first party" and "third party" cookies. "First party" cookies mean cookies installed and managed directly by the Data Controller, "third party" cookies mean cookies installed by third parties.

For any questions relating to the protection of your Personal Data, you can contact us by writing to the e-mail address:


The cookies described in this section are sent directly from this site and can be both first-party and third-party. Cookies are installed for the purposes indicated in relation to the different categories of cookies indicated below.

Technical cookies _ These are cookies that are installed in order to allow better functioning of the website and to increase the functionality and performance of the site itself. Cookies of this type are used, for example, to store a user's decision on the use of cookies on the website. Technical cookies are not used for other purposes and can be managed directly by Lavazza or by third parties.

These categories of cookies can be used without the prior explicit consent of the user. All these cookies are automatically enabled.

Analytical cookies _ This category includes "performance or analytics cookies". These are cookies that collect information on the number of users who browse the website and on the pages/sections of the site most visited (for example, from which pages reports of malfunctions are received). These cookies provide the Owner with information regarding the performance of their websites/apps and can be used with the user's consent.

Functionality cookies_ They allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (e.g. language, text characters, browser type) in order to improve the service provided and can be used with the user's prior consent.


Profiling cookies store users' choices during navigation and are installed in order to create user profiles to which to provide targeted services or advertising content, to show content and propose commercial initiatives based on the sections of our sites that were most relevant to users and their interests.

Profiling cookies can be used with the user's consent. Consent is acquired by opening a banner visible to users on their first visit to the site using the "Manage your preferences" button.


Our Sites and Apps also make use of technologies similar to cookies, so-called. tagging, which allow us, for example, to understand which contents our users seem most interested in and whether a particular offer may be of interest to them.

The information obtained in this way can be used, with the user's consent, to show products and commercial offers more relevant to their tastes. Consent is acquired by opening a banner visible to users on their first visit to the site using the "Manage your preferences" button.


Third-party cookies are installed by third-party sites, external to the one you are browsing, in order to provide targeted advertising services or content.

The so-called cds are also present on this website. social buttons - i.e. digital buttons (so-called icons) aimed at offering a direct connection with our social pages (e.g. Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) or which can be used by the user to authenticate or register on the Site (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook) – capable of installing third-party cookies or the social networks to which they refer.

The social buttons on our Website can also provide us with information regarding the users' browsing experience and be used by Lavazza for targeting purposes for marketing purposes on the social media themselves (for example, allowing users to be reached by Lavazza advertising on their social accounts).

Third-party cookies can be used subject to the user's consent obtained through the methods described in the previous paragraph. Consent can be revoked at any time by disabling cookies using the methods described in the following paragraph "How to control cookies".


Cookies can be:

· Temporary or session cookies (session cookies): they are used to store temporary information, allow you to connect the actions performed during a specific session and are removed from the computer when the browser is closed;

· Permanent (persistent cookies): they are used to store information, for example the login name and password, so as to avoid the user having to type them again every time he visits a specific site. These remain stored on your computer even after you close your browser.

The duration of cookies is dictated by the expiration date set at installation. For the duration of each individual cookie, we invite you to consult our cookie manager which also contains the name, category and purpose of the cookies.


The user can manage cookie preferences

to. directly from our site, through the cookie manager - which allows the user to choose the type of cookies (including third-party partners) that can be installed, to consult the list of cookies of similar technologies used by us, to proceed to their removal

b. within your browser and prevent - for example - that third parties (not partners) can install them. In this case, the procedures for managing permissions for the installation and removal of cookies differ depending on the browser used. You can find information on how to manage cookies in your browser at the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox , Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge .

In the case of services provided by third parties (not partners), the user can also exercise their right to object to tracking by inquiring through the third party's Privacy Policy.


Interested parties have the right to exercise the rights recognized to them by the current privacy legislation referred to in articles 15-22 of the GDPR. For any information / request relating to the processing of personal data and the exercise of the rights recognized to you by articles 15-22 from the Gdpr you can write to info@m ulin


This Cookie Policy may undergo changes over time, for example relating to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or for further technological innovations. The user is therefore invited to periodically consult this text.