Xerothermal oases of Chianocco and Foresto
The “xerothermal oases” include the Chianocco and Foresto ravines, regional protected areas (Special nature reserve of the ravine and Leccio di Chianocco station, Special nature reserve of the Foresto ravine and Juniperus oxycedrus station of Crotte-San Giuliano) and occupy an area of 1410 ha on the left side of the central sector of the Susa Valley.
The municipalities affected by the SACs are Bussoleno, Chianocco, Mompantero, Susa, Venaus.
The geomorphology of the area is characterized by limestone walls cut by narrow ravines, called "gorridi", generated by the erosion carried out by modest tributaries of the Dora Riparia on the powerful limestone layers.