Il sentiero dei franchi

The path of the Franks

path of the francs colle bione


The Path of the Franks, born in 1980 with the intention of retracing the hypothetical approach of Charlemagne's army to the Chiuse besieged by the Lombards, follows paths that over the centuries have represented a privileged route for pilgrims and wayfarers in transit along the Susa Valley.

From Oulx to the Sacra di San Michele, on the right orographic side of the Valley, over 60 km of paths pass by ancient Charterhouses and important religious settlements (from the ancient Prevostura of Oulx to the Certosa della Madonna della Losa, from the Certosa di Montebenedetto to the Sacra di San Michele ) and constitute an important hiking route that offers those who follow it the opportunity to cross areas of notable naturalistic value (including the natural parks of Gran Bosco di Salbertrand and Orsiera Rocciavrè) and to grasp the sense of yesterday's history everywhere and today.

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